Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Words

Draevin, is now 14 months old. I love hearing him develop his language skills and it fills me with wonder and delight to hear the words he picks up and says. The current list is:
BA (ball)
Ba-Ba (bottle)
Ckee (cheese)
Joo (juice)
Mama (not always to his mommy, but he's getting there)
Dada (same as above)
I (hi)
Ot (hot)
He knows the sign for "more" and uses that often when he's eating. He knows the sign for milk and has used that occasionally, as well. He also has a distinct language of some sort with repeated syllables and melodic phrases. What's even more remarkable to me is that, although he has a seemingly small vocabulary, he understands exactly what we say to him and mostly does what we ask.
"Bring that to Grammy."
"Go get the ball."
"Put that back in the drawer."
Simple things mean so much. First speech is a miracle.

1 comment:

penelope tree said...

I love this--brings me back to my son's early years and how fresh the miracle of language is to children.

I love "ot" for hot!