Friday, October 29, 2010


He left at 3:09 a.m. on July 21, 2010. I suppose 84 years is a good, long life for someone, but none of us wanted to let him go. My mother kept saying, "I didn't think this was going to happen so soon." I remember thinking that it was the end of an era. As a person, he simply was no more. The person I called Dad and sometimes even Daddy had "left the building." But the worst part, the very saddest, was the words that were left unsaid.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Big Words

Draevin is now two years and four months old. His vocabulary is considerably larger and often surprises us.
"Oh, that's beautiful!"
"Look at those decorations!"
"This is delicious!"
And then there are the funny words and the vowel sounds he can't pronounce:
"Let's pway (play) Pway Dough (Play Dough)."
"I wanna see the cwown (clown)."
"I wanna watch Mickey Mouse Cwubhouse."

How can anything be more delightful?


I abandoned my blog. I heard it crying in the next room, calling out to me. It said, "I'm lonely, I need more words. Why aren't you writing in me?" What could I say? "I'm busy. I'm tired. I don't have time." But all these usual excuses don't fit. Besides, they aren't really honest excuses when it comes to writing. When you're a writer, you make time to write. And every time I apply for another writing job, they ask, "What's your blog address?" "Uhhh...there's not much there."

Being a professional writer has its ups and downs. I end up writing what the client wants, but not putting enough time into what I want to write. I guess this brings me to my next set of words: commitment, creativity, and intention.